Bryce Mecum



2017 M.S. Fisheries, University of Alaska Fairbanks, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Juneau, AK, USA Committee Chairs: Milo Adkison, Terrance J. Quinn, II Thesis emphasis: Research on Yukon River Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) management. I developed a set of models and accompanying tools to generate pre-season forecasts of upriver migration timing.

2010 B.S. Biology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, USA Research: Advised by Dr. Benjamin Miner, I developed a Ruby on Rails application that generated customized field guides for intertidal organisms in the Puget Sound area.


2022 → Open Source Support Engineer, Voltron Data

2015 – 2022 Science Software Engineer, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)

2011 – 12 Fish & Wildlife Technician III, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Wildlife Division, Juneau, AK, USA Bat and deer research. Worked as part of a field crew on Chichagof Island, AK, USA conducting deer research on Sitka Black-tailed Deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis). Transitioned to a team conducting research on the multiple bat species of the Juneau, AK, USA area. Conducted acoustic monitoring, mist-netting, and radiotelemetry. Developed a database to manage GPS, acoustic, and other data related to this project.

Trainings & Workshops Attended

October, 2014 Stock Synthesis, Ian Taylor, 2014 Meeting of the Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheies Society, Juneau, AK, USA (2 days)

March, 2012 Stable Isotopes, Dr. Scott Carlton, 2012 Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Jackson Hole, WY, USA (1 day)

Honors & Awards

2013 Best Student Poster, Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society